The Service Term Series

In a distant future where humanity has conquered aging, the looming threat of interstellar war perpetually hangs over the Human Federation. Enter Alex Taylor, a newly recruited soldier in the Human Federation Defense Forces, as he embarks on a thrilling journey through his term of service.

The Service Term series takes readers on a gripping adventure alongside Alex and his team as they confront hostile alien forces and uncover the true essence of humanity. Amidst the chaos of war, they are forced to grapple with profound questions of morality, reminding us that even in a world where death by aging is a relic of the past, the human spirit remains forever bound by the choices we make.

Book One: Extermination on Pike Prime

In a future where humanity has spread to the stars, young Alex Taylor is about to begin his compulsory term of military service in the Human Federation Defense Force. As a new recruit in the elite Spaceborne Division, Alex will be responsible for protecting the Hunter system and the Human Federation from alien threats.

But nothing can prepare Alex for the realities of interstellar war. Alex and his fellow Spaceborne troops are deployed to the alien world of Pike Prime. Battling a ruthless enemy on foreign soil, Alex must fight not only for his own survival, but for the fate of the Human Federation itself.

As the war intensifies, Alex forges unbreakable bonds with his squadmates. But the losses and horrors of combat take their toll, forcing each soldier to confront their own mortality and the terrible cost of victory. Through it all, Alex discovers what it truly means to serve, sacrifice, and lead.

Gritty, action-packed, and deeply human, Extermination on Pike Prime is a pulse-pounding military sci-fi adventure that reveals the courage and camaraderie forged in the crucible of war.

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Book Two: Wasteland Patrol

After surviving the brutal alien war on Pike Prime, Alex Taylor and his elite Spaceborne squad face a new mission on the desolate world of Lepus 328rb. Assigned to assist the Human Federation Exploration Corps, Alex and his team must uncover the mystery behind a long-dead alien civilization while protecting the scientists from an unknown threat.

Alex will be forced to confront the scars of his past while forging unbreakable bonds with new allies, both human and alien. With powerful new foes emerging from the shadows and the fate of entire worlds hanging in the balance, Taylor and his battle-hardened team are all that stand between the team of scientist and death. 

Gritty, pulse-pounding, and deeply human, Wasteland Patrol is an action-packed military sci-fi adventure that reveals the courage, sacrifice, and indomitable spirit of soldiers on the front lines of humanity's galactic defense.

Available at: Amazon | Smashwords | Apple | B&N | Kobo